Tag Archives: focus

The fine Balance between work, ministry and family.

img src=”https://comecministriesinternational.files.wordpress.com/2019/11/user_scoped_temp_data_msgr_photo_for_upload_15739580933966915746294644393537.jpeg” class=”wp-image-3242 alignnone size-full” width=”984″ height=”1920″ data-temp-aztec-id=”3a429065-a2ae-4d0b-8509-f61554d25833″>Most people know that God should be number one in our lives but how does one find the balance between family, work and ministry?

As many of my readers who know me will know, I have a Filipina wife and two children now aged 13 and 6. I also run Comec Ministries International and I work for this great company called Garda as a security officer.

The constant struggle of course is how does one find the balance in it all. Work is important as it pays the bills. Family is really important one does not want to lose them and that is often why one works so they can be supported, and finally ministry… Well yes it’s important also. In fact it is quite important to me.

The problem is that there is only 24 hrs in a day. More specifically, there are 24 hours in a day of which 8 is usually reserved for sleeping. Depending on locations worked, 8-12 hours is designated for work totalling 20 leaving 4 hours a day for ministry and family. The average person wastes at least 4 hours a day ….. Well you get the picture.

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